Wednesday, November 3, 2010

........Red or Blue?

I know I have been absent for a few days. Things just get in the way. But tonite, I just feel like talking. Ok venting. So I hope you voted. I always say I am only going to vote in the presidential elections, but then I remember that men fought and died for my right to cast a vote, and still today, there are people on this planet who do not yet have the privilege. So I voted.  And actually, I think I'm gonna change my affiliation to Independent. Because I am and my ballot reflected it. Might as well admit now that I voted in favor of the legalization of marijuana. It did not pass, but its well on its way. 

I wish I was smarter. I wish I understood the political process the way some people instinctively know it. I wish. Like for example, I don't get how the American people won.  The Republicans won. The bloodbath of the Democrats in the house reflected that. The Democrats won because they retain control of the Senate. So what does this all mean?  To me it means that jack shit is gonna get done. The Republicans hate Obama and will not work with him and will go out of their way to make him look incompetent. The Democrats will not be able to get anything done or passed because it will be an automatic turn away in the House.  So its a stalemate. An expensive one at that. All these so called lawmakers will accomplish nothing and will continue to spend my money and yours. They have their own agenda and will set their sights on 2012. The Republicans have also conveniently forgotten that the reason for the economic downturn is not Obama's fault, its theirs. Its all of theirs. Democrats and Republicans alike. Eight years of Bush/Cheney drove this country into the ground.  Obama, well he signed up foolishly thinking that everyone would be working with him and for the common good.  Not!

And you know what, I can live with it. All of it.  What I can't live with the constant disrespect of our President by the Republicans. These guys should be the epitome of respect and manners and decorum. But, instead they reduce themselves to the level of street thugs getting ready for a gang fight. All that's missing is the boxer shorts and the baggie pants. Street thugs in Armani.

Obama was elected. He did not waltz into office and just decide he was gonna be president. So when people, especially the Republicans or those ridiculous jokers of the tea party question the validity of his birth certificate or the legality of the title he holds, its insulting to me. Its an insult to the 65 million people who voted for him.

Ok, I'm done venting.


1 comment:

  1. I think there should be a none of the above vote. And if that actually wins, anyone listed on the ballot is automatically unable to be elected. Another election is held, and those individuals who want to serve and who have a real desire to make a change have a chance. Not everyone has a Kansas city bank roll to blow on throwing mud. But as my cousin pointed out, too expensive to hold another election. I voted, as always and looked at my choices for governor and had to vote for the one I disliked the least. A far cry from being optimistic about what the future might hold for this greets state called California.
