Friday, October 29, 2010

....its in the details

So seriously, I was thinking last night after the first act of Phantom of the Opera that the phantom was the devil. I mean if you have seen the play, then you have seen then really depict the devil. The amber lights in his den, the candelabras, the song about the Angel of Music, belonging to the night, etc. Everything that would describe Lucifer. When I told my daughter Kim, she laughed and quickly disagreed. Kim and Cara both went on to explain their points of view, which made sense. Still though, I am not so sure. Perhaps it is left for everyone to interpret. The proof was in the details, I say.

It was glorious evening and the Pantages is an awesome structure. Kim in her usual fashion, moving at her own speed, arrived in time, and all was good. But she made me nervous.  I hate being late and live by the creed, better never than late.

I've had an incredible celebration so far with each day presenting something new and something celebratory.
I have made nice purchases, have seen some things that I made a point of seeing. Have been around good friends. I have made and eaten wonderful food and I feel so blessed. God continues to prove that everyday is a great day, in or out of a celebration.

Halloween weekend. I hope to go to the matinee to see Secretariat. I plan to decorate my house, buy candy and just scare the shit out of trick or treaters.  We usually do an awesome job at decorating, to where people will stop by the next day or whatever and tell us how spooky the house was.

Thanks for reading.  Weigh in with your ideas about who the Phantom is supposed to be. 

16 days to 50. Yes!


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