Sunday, October 3, 2010

the race...,

I did not mean to buy a new sectional for my family room today. All I intended to buy was bittersweet chocolate for some cookies I am experimenting with. I set out early for that pedicure I have been trying to get for literally weeks now, but something then happened and at the end of the day I have a new sectional in my family room. I had been looking for one for well over a year now but could not find one that Mike could fit on comfortably and that was reasonably priced.

As I sat there waiting for them to bring the furniture to the door, I started thinking about something the Phlebotomist said to me last week while he pretended that I was a pin cushion and I pretended that he knew what he was doing. He said I was entering the "golden years". Ok, so what does that mean? Is that some sort of exclusive club? Why are they called golden?  Will I suddenly figure out how not to spend every penny I have and become rich? Will I start to lose the crowns on my teeth and have to replace them with gold ones? I remember the show the Golden Girls, but those women were like in their 60's and 70's right?
Isn't 50 now the new 40?  I'm not yet eligible for the Senior Citizen discount at KMart so whats up with this guy telling me I'm entering the golden years?  Must be a metaphor. But for what?
You know what, who cares, if I catch that guy on the street, I'm gonna kick his ass. That was not a nice thing to say.  

Here's what I do know, I loved being in my forties.  Physiologically speaking, some wierd shit started happening. Menopause reared its ugly head and suddenly I felt like I would spontaneously combust from the hot flashes.  My sex drive (which has never been weak) is now in the stratosphere and still climbing. Doc said the other day this is normal for some women. Holy Shit!
My boobs began a race to see which one could reach my waist first. And, the best part, I'm totally amused by it all. I embrace this menopause and I think all women should. Its really very entertaining. I loved being in my forties and I will love being in my 50's.

Thing is, I don't feel 50.  I feel young, really young and I have no intention of ever acting my age.
I feel alive and strong. Energetic and driven. I love riding my bike with my Ipod on full blast. I love basketball and find that I am so excited that the regular season will start on October 26th. My beloved Lakers will hang yet another Championship banner and I will be there to see it happen. I switched from Time Warner to Directv because I need the NFL Network. I need to be able to watch the Carolina Panthers play. Watching the highlights just will not do. And thats another thing, at this age, I will not be inconvenienced anymore. I want what I want when I want it. Period. And thats ok.

This is a great age. I welcome it, well almost all of it. The boob race, no bueno. I plan to have surgery to remedy that situation and help them find the finish line. Pronto.

Gotta go. Gonna research an issue I have with my Croissants. Besides, the grizzly bear is back.


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