Monday, October 4, 2010

...........Same Same

God, this may make some of you cringe, but I got home early and decided that I would ...wait for it...plan my Thanksgiving menu. Ahhhh!! Yes, I am that person who already has a turkey frozen for the event and not only that, I also have my Christmas' Standing Rib Roast purchased, wrapped and frozen. Within the next few days, I will start writing out my Christmas cards. Why do I do this?  Am I sick? Do I need a life? Am I just organized?  I suppose some you might say that I'm organized, but all you need to do is look in my night stand drawers to find all the evidence to the contrary. Jimmy Hoffa may be residing in there, its that messy.
In any event, I am getting ready for the holidays. And maybe its the cook in me that loves reading magazines at this of the year for new ideas, new pictures of food, maybe a new salad recipe. Although in the end, I, like you, will probably make and eat exactly what I did last year and the year before that. Its that old addage, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

The past few days have been fun. I am feeling so good, well except for these allergies. I started a cleaning, lets-get-rid-of-this-clutter project some time last month. I am methodically going through drawers, closets and whatever has not been touched in 6 months is so outta here. The last one will be Mike's closet.
Let me ask you this..why do men feel the need to keep every box they meet? I mean seriously.  He has 3 or 4 boxes from cell phones three years back. The Wii box is in there. Two Xbox boxes are in there. The little packets guitar strings come in. All empty and collecting dust. Why? He says to just leave them alone. Thats like the worse thing to say to a woman because its like a challenge. So he's forcing me to resort to very wife-like underhanded tactics. Wait till he's gone and then throw them out. Anyway, I always enjoy my time getting my house in order as wierd as that may seem.

Today is Monday and you may not know this, but Mondays are my day off. I don't cook, do laundry, get the mail, nothing. I only do what I want. Sometimes, we go to the movies or shopping.  Sometimes, like today I came home, had coffee we bought at Starbucks and took a nap. Waited for Mike to come home and asked him to make chicken tacos. Its been wonderful.

If this is your first time reading, on the left side is an archive of older posts. Just click the drop down menu and highlight one to read from the past. If only life were like that. Imagine if we all had the power to click, highlight and delete or keep things from our past. How cool would that be? To be able to delete the bonehead  mistakes from the first 49 years, and start the second half with  a clean slate would be awesome. Like a super duper mega mulligan.

What would I keep? I would keep all the memories I have of my grandma, my mom and my brothers and sisters. The lives of my kids and most definitely all the memories I have of the 90's. I would keep the memory of my sisters' dress she wore at her quincenaera in 1974. (lol).  I would keep the memory of the first cake making contest I won when I was eight. I would keep the memory of the best job I ever had as a short order cook when I was 17. My first car. The birth of my niece Irene. And of course, I would keep all the memories of Dan.

What would I delete?  Would it be the time I woke up on a park bench at Soule Park after a night of heavy teenage drinking?  Aaa..yeah.  Would it be the time I stole the big flag from the USA gas station on a dare?  Oh yes. Absolutely. I would delete the time I ran over this guys foot with my car at the Airshow and all the pot I smoked.  I would delete the time I crashed my neighbors minibike, all the fist fights I have ever been in and all the fattening foods I've eaten.  And of course I would delete all the memories of Dan.

Can you imagine, I'd get carpal tunnel from all the clicking. Hey when life gave me lemons, I made lemonade. Today, when life gives me lemons, I buy tequila. Same Same.


1 comment:

  1. it's been a week! where's your next post?? :) i love hearing about your life, pretty lady!
